Success stories

Bread And Butter Refurbishment

Published by , 2023
Refurbishment of four flats in a residential area of Bristol. Paul O’Brien and his co-director have been developing property successfully in Bristol for many years. Every now and again a small site becomes available that Paul takes on himself. This ‘bread and butter’ work helps keep a regular flow of small projects alongside the bigger land assembly and development projects to spread their risk and keep their trades busy.

Paul was offered four tired flats in Lilymead Avenue in the Windmill Hill ward of Bristol and needed quick and straightforward funding to buy and upgrade the accommodation property in this favoured residential area just off the Wells Rd, one of the main routes into the City Centre.

Paul said: “Bricks understands us and makes buying and developing property faster and easier”.

Experience, standing by you

Founded in 2014 with over 90 years of combined property, finance and legal expertise, the Bricks Finance team help local people to access finance easily and quickly by offering bespoke lending using their own funds as well as those from investors.

Clive Banks

founder and investor

Will Michelmore

founder and investor

Jerry Rihll

founder and investor

Nicholas Shepherd

lending officer

Nicola Walther

lending officer

Harriet Constable

lending officer

Jenny Pomroy

finance manager

What our customers say

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Bricks Finance Ltd
Winslade Park
Manor Drive
Exeter, EX5 1FY
United Kingdom